In addition to the seafood previously mentioned, we also had razor clams. I've heard of razor clams, but never seen them. Their appearance is very peculiar. The shell is a narrow, long cylinder and the meat is pretty tough. A friend in Washington once told me razor clams would be great for clam chowder. I believe her. The clams weren't bad; in fact, I had many pieces of it. They were just a little tough and chewy. I'd like to buy some and make clam chowder!
Squid. We didn't select this one from the tank; I believe G chose it off the menu. I would have liked to see this squid in real life. Its tentacles were thick. It was meaty. I enjoyed it. The squid wasn't as tough as the razor clams, but it wasn't tender.

I don't remember if we had anything else--so much to remember! What a delicious seafood feast. :)
Wow! You've come a long way from Idaho. That's all I'll say. Brave girl.