Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A Meal in God's Mercy...

This is Jen; here's another one of my better-late-than-never posts. Enjoy.

Monday 8/31
Today I was hungry, but nothing sounded good.

Yesterday after church Roy and I went to a Chinese fast food restaurant…we had a hard time ordering, the way to retrieve your order was confusing and our receipt was in all Chinese. We didn’t even know if the girl understood what we ordered. Ugh. My meal ended up being chicken and rice, except the chicken was cut up but still attached to bones. It looked like they took a small rotisserie chicken, cooked it, then just chopped up the whole thing into 1 inch by 2 inch chunks. I am grossed out by bones and chicken skin, and was fragile anyway, so I decided to just eat the rice. My first bite of rice had a small piece of bone in it. AH! Do you ever eat your mom’s delicious chicken noodle soup and the bite into a bone piece? I hate that feeling. Eh. So all I wanted to do was cry and try not to get sick. Roy does not understand my strange weakness toward chicken skin and bones (I can eat KFC just fine, off the bones and with the skin on…), so I am confident he will gently and lovingly try to walk me through this. That will be difficult.

So today I was hungry, but not desiring any food that a HK restaurant may offer. But I was hungry, you know what I mean? Roy wanted to accommodate me, but I told him nothing sounded good, so he should pick a restaurant. We took a tram to Kennedy Town, walked through a grocery store (yeah air-conditioning), then saw a Japanese restaurant. We walked in, they all said something we didn’t understand--we weren’t sure if they were saying “we’re not open”, “get out of here” or “welcome!” They said it to every person who came in, we later found out.

It was a sushi bar. The center of the restaurant contained an ovular bar with chairs, a conveyor belt and 2-3 chefs in the middle making sushi and putting it on the conveyor belt. Roy kindly said we would prefer to sit at a table (He knows I don't like the smell of seafood).

I ordered fried rice with chicken and it was DELICIOUS!! It was a redemptive meal for my stomach, because I was losing my appetite. Roy ordered three different types of sushi. Here they are:

Deep-fried prawns, crab, rice(left)

eel, fish eggs, mango, crab and rice (on the right)

barbecued eel, crab, cheese and rice all deep-fried (on right)

Praise Jesus!

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