Sunday, January 15, 2012
Baby Almasy

Tuesday, August 16, 2011
The Edge
Sis Visit Part 2
Thursday, June 30, 2011
My Sister's Visit!
Jen here. My sister Sarah decided to come visit us for a week. She got permission from my parents and paid for the tickets on her own. Wow, she loves us. :)
She split her time between Roy and me, and my brother and his wife. I was able to take a day off work (my last week of work until the fall!) so Sarah and I could be tourists. I stayed up late deciding what to do and early in the morn we headed out.
The plan: kayak Lake Union, stay clam at Ivar's, Space Needle and possibly the Underground Tour. Tourists in Seattle. :)
Roy and I kayaked through NWOC the summer before we left for Hong Kong, so I decided to rent our kayaks from the same place. We arrived at 9:30am and they opened at 10am, so we had plenty of time to get ready. :)
Our double kayak served us well. If one of us was tired, the other could paddle and keep us going. And boy, we both got tired so fast! In looking through Sarah's pictures (I didn't take my camera for fear of ruining it) it appears that I paddled most of the time and Sarah just took pictures of us. Haha...it is somewhat true.
The house boats (is that what they are called?) interested us right away. They literally are houses floating on the water. Wow. NWOC asked us to stay at least 20 feet away from the house boats so as to respect the privacy of the "house boat dwellers" (they sound kind of scary to me). It's so hard to stay 20 feet away when one wants to see the houses and also is being moved by the waves. :) Sarah kept reminding me to steer away from the boats (my kayak seat had steering pedals connected to an udder). It was fascinating how there were little neighborhoods of house boats. Similar to in a city, the houses were next to each other with space between for a boat dock (driveway) and were in rows separated by larger stretches of water (roads).
Our kayak journey began in Lake Union, a small lake in Seattle with a view of the Seattle skyline (see photo--the space needle is just to the left of Sarah's head). We paddled west through Portage Bay to Union Bay which is just off Lake Washington near to the University of Washington. We saw several sea planes take off and land, the duck boat tours go by multiple times and artists perched on the shore painting landscapes.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Jen here. This place is gorgeous! When we decided to move here people back home kept telling us about the rain. Many people are affected by the nearly daily misting and grayness...but I am not(praise be to God!). I can't get over the amazing views of mountains and greenery I see nearly every day. Yes, nearly every day!
Today's weather was sunny and warm; Dale wanted to do a cookout spur of the moment, so we did. Hotdogs, brats, deviled eggs and corn on the cob...yum!
Yesterday was the same so Roy encouraged me to go for a walk at a park near work. I did. Beautiful!
Thank You, Jesus!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Jen here. My family came to visit!! I am so excited and have been for about a month. :)
Dad and Mom got a hotel; we invited Sarah to come stay with us at our house! They are only here for a few days. I will try to post some photos of the visit.
Here is my sister on an early morning walk. It is so beautiful here!
More to come later. :)
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Random House Dinner
Jen here. Roy and I love entertaining/hosting. In our first year of marriage we had a weekly meal at our place with three of my good friends and anyone else who came. It was random, and it was dinner. Thus began the random house dinner.
In our fourth year of marriage we have picked it up again. Praise God for His awesome provision of a house to rent with ample room for dinner and hanging out with friends. Hallelujah!
We invite anyone and everyone, the same day every week. We have had from just the 4 of us (Roy, me and two housemates) to about 8 people. The most common guests are friends from work, so I am surrounded by chess coaches! Games of chess are common as well as Backgammon, Euchre(my favorite!) and Apples to Apples.
Tonight the guys decided to film a kung-fu chess game, which is what the photos are of. :)
Monday, April 18, 2011
The Troll
Jen here. So I've been posting more often than usual, but my posts are shorter. Why? Roy put a blogging app on my phone so now I can take a photo and immediately write a quick blog about it and post it. Hooray!
Yesterday Roy, Dale and I went to sushi with some friends in Fremont, which is in Seattle. Our friends are moving to Chicago in one month so it was a sort of farewell dinner although we will see them a bit before they leave. It was a good time with good food at a restaurant called Chiso.
Each time we go into Seattle we talk of going more often. A tourist has probably been to Seattle and knows more about its different areas than we do. Maybe we will plan some outings... René and Patrick mentioned something about a giant cement troll under a bridge nearby. Cool, we thought, maybe we will come back to Fremont to see it. And off we went. It just so happened that we drove right by the troll!
Check out the picture! He is huge...and is holding a VW Beetle. Pretty cool :)
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Green Gardening Fair!
Jen here. I am so into Spring. My hands are tender, my back aches and my legs are sore. Why? I've been weeding!
I suddenly want to weed and plant flowers, bushes and veggies. The trouble is I know nothing about plants or gardening. Ah!
So on I go to learn. Today we are at Bellevue Nursery's Green Gardening Fair. I've had this on my calendar for weeks and have told everyone about it! I'll let you know more once I plant our buys. :)
Monday, February 21, 2011