Jen here. I just cannot stop posting photos of Mt. Rainier. Amazing! Here are a few more photos from our hike with the Almasy family and two of our dear friends, Scott and Jill. I'll also intersperse our story of how we met Scott and Jill. Enjoy! :)

We met Scott and Jill in the fall of 2008 just after we moved to Seattle. We both attended Mars Hill Church | Shoreline and were in a class called "How to Study the Bible" taught by Pastor Steve Tompkins. The community group (small group, kind of) we were in decided to take the class as a whole, so we noticed and met Scott and Jill right away. After the class ended, they decided to attend the same CG we attended and wanted to host a CG in their home. Roy ended up being the leader of a CG replication which met in Scott and Jill's home. What a blessing it was to get to know them and become friends. Their home felt like home for us. Both being Midwesterners, they were so friendly and familiar.

Jill and I frequently met up and graded papers or did lesson plans(both teachers); it was so much better to do that alongside someone rather than all alone on a Friday night!

That summer we went on several hikes with them in the GORGEOUS mountains of the Pacific Northwest. Moving to HK was especially difficult because we had to say goodbye to Scott and Jill! Praise God for technology; Roy and Scott were able to talk on the phone several times a week and Jill and I had a weekly Skype date. Those times were blessings for us in the midst of loneliness and the strange culture of HK.

(Isn't this tree so cool looking? They were all over the place on Mt. Rainier...the pine needles are so small and they have a peculiar look to them. I want one!)
Praise God for great friends like Scott and Jill!
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