Monday, August 31, 2009


On great recommendation of a friend of Jenny and I, we plan to blog on our time in Hong Kong:

to record the ongoing story of God's grace - the brief sentence our lives represent in God's eternal story.
to give God the glory for everything good that is done in us and through us.
to put this glory on display for all to see, and so glorify God.
to remember and meditate upon what God has done.
to turn away from the ways we will and do act sinfully and foolishly.

God often takes His people on journey's - away from their homes - to set them free - to change them - and to teach them - to trust in Him - to provide for them - and to make Himself their new home.

And sometimes on these journeys the people of God would raise up a memorial, nothing special, maybe just a pile of rocks, but it served as a reminder for themselves and future generations of what God had done, His redemption, grace, provision, sufficiency, power, wisdom, goodness, justice, mercy, love, wrath. So they would never forget that is was God that brought them out and set them free.

...this is our pile of rocks

-God, please be in this thing, for if you are not there is no point in it, let this not be about us, but about you, change us and make us more like you, in Jesus' name.